Granula Group

Granula Group is a specialized supplier of color and functional masterbatch solutions for plastics. Since our founding in 1961, Granula has grown from strength to strength through an unwavering commitment to product and service excellence.
At Granula, we have maintained our competitive edge through our focus on innovation and quality, combined with a strong emphasis on customer responsiveness. Our strategy has been to carve out market share in niches with demanding applications. This has enabled us to grow a highly successful masterbatch business in a heavily competitive and internationalized market.
For processors, masterbatch is the easy and convenient choice when it comes to adding color or performance to plastics. Using masterbatch and natural resin instead of compounds, processors can reduce stock levels and save costs, while achieving reliable and consistent color and performance properties in the finished product.
As masterbatch experts, we are your partner for the development and production of customized color solutions, performance additives and combination packages especially formulated to meet specific physical requirements. Granula Group is a specialized supplier of color and functional masterbatch solutions for plastics. Since our founding in 1961, Granula has grown from strength to strength through an unwavering commitment to product and service excellence.
"Our understanding of sustainability in supplier management" (Code of Conduct)
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