The 1950s may truly be styled as the years in which plastics literally crowded into the consumer markets. Leaving behind two decades marked by hardship, war and scarcity, the fifties was a period in which plastics came into their own. Durable and affordable, plastics also brought bright and clear colors to the endless range of new products that were introduced during these years. As new and improved coloring technologies were developed, companies specialized in colors for plastics entered the market.
Founded in 1961, Granula became one of the first specialized manufacturers of masterbatch to set up shop in Europe. In cooperation with a number of then leading additive and pigment producers, the company, which was located at that time in Meisterschwanden, Switzerland pioneered the production of color masterbatch in Europe. Later, the company also developed functional masterbatch products, designed to enhance the properties and performance of the final plastic product.

One of our earliest successes came with the development of masterbatch products for the production of PVC plastic roller shutters and garage doors. As Granula’s business grew, we remained true to our commitment to quality and service though continued investment in knowhow and equipment. Continued expansions meant a need for more room, and in 1997, we opened up a new masterbatch production facility in Merenschwand, also in Switzerland.
Five years later, in 2002, we built our second production facility, called Granula GmbH, in Rudolstadt, Germany. Intended to strengthen our international presence in the masterbatch world, this new facility enabled us to better serve our growing portfolio of customers outside of Switzerland.
Now, over fifty years since its inception, Granula Group, as the company is known today, is a thriving and successful masterbatch producer, with a well-earned reputation for quality and customer satisfaction. We sell our proprietary compounds and formulated color, additives and combination batches in markets around the world, including Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia.